2.20.25 // 10 AM - 1:30 PM

@ Grace Point Fellowship
1455 E 2nd Street, Franklin, OH 45005

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About The Conference

Next Gen Leaders Conference

In the midst of the ongoing ministry demands of today, it's all too easy for ministry leaders to overlook the next generation -- this is a problem. We believe the future hope of the church rests on the shoulders of the next generation and the responsibility to reach, teach, and release future generations of Jesus followers and ministry leaders starts right now.

The Southwest Ohio Next Gen Leaders Conference is a one-day intensive designed to equip leaders who have a passion for reaching the next generation. Invite your team and area ministry leaders to join us for a day focused on developing leaders who can navigate the unique challenges of ministry and discipleship in today's cultural climate, so the next generation has the opportunity to know Jesus now.

Registration is just $10


Student Pastor, Violet Baptist Church

Keith Hurt

Keith Hurt serves as Student Pastor of Violet Baptist Church in Pickerington, OH where he invests his life in reaching the next generation by passionately seeking to lead students in a transformational relationship with Jesus through authentic discipleship.

Keith joined the staff at Violet in 2007. He grew up in Reynoldsburg and went to Cedarville University, where he met his wife, Debbie. They have been married since 1996, and they have three daughters: Anna, Emily, and Sydney. Keith enjoys time with family; reading; listening to podcasts; walking; playing chess; and supporting the Buckeyes, Reds, and Bengals. Keith came to know Christ as an 18-year-old due to the influence of godly peers and godly older mentors. He is passionate about seeing students transformed by Christ through authentic discipleship.
Children's Director, Violet Baptist Church

Chelsea Poole

Chelsea began working in children’s ministry at Violet Baptist Church in 2023.

There’s nothing she loves quite as much as spending time with her family, as most of her family are close by and love to really do life alongside one another. Chelsea enjoys reading and collecting classic literature, creative writing, and perusing around a good antique shop. She is passionate about family ministry and encouraging the next generation of young people to know and love the Lord.
Student and Young Adult Minister, Jersey Church

Tyler Morgan

Tyler joined the Student Ministry Staff at Jersey Baptist Church in 2013. He has now served there for 11 years and counting.

Tyler joined the Student Ministry Staff at Jersey Baptist Church in 2013. He has now served there for 11 years and counting.
Lead Pastor, Grace Point Fellowship

Reagan Wagoner

Reagan Wagoner serves as Lead Pastor of Grace Point Fellowship, overseeing the mission and vision of Grace Point Fellowship through teaching, leading, and developing staff, and casting vision for each ministry including next gen ministry.

Reagan Wagoner serves as Lead Pastor of Grace Point Fellowship, overseeing the mission and vision of Grace Point Fellowship through teaching, leading, and developing staff, and casting vision for each ministry including next gen ministry.
Grace Littlez Director, Grace Point Fellowship

Chelsea Wood

Chelsea Wood is responsible on Sundays at Grace Point Fellowship for Birth-5 year olds, keeping them safe and secure on Sundays and helping them to know God loves them from an early age. She also runs Grace Point Preschool during the week, which is in its first year.

Chelsea Wood is responsible on Sundays at Grace Point Fellowship for Birth-5 year olds, keeping them safe and secure on Sundays and helping them to know God loves them from an early age. She also runs Grace Point Preschool during the week, which is in its first year.


Creating a Culture That Thinks About the Next One

How is your church doing when it comes to always thinking about reaching the next generation? And what is important for your church when it comes to creating a place that kids, students, and families love to attend? Is next gen culture thought of when it comes to how your church worships? Does next gen culture impact how you preach and who you are remembering to preach to in your audience? Does reaching students encourage you to connect with local schools? Does your staff have a heart to see new kids of all ages fit in at every age level, and is your church willing to do what it takes across all ministries to work together to reach one more student? It must be the heart of the whole church to reach the next generation.


Staying the Course: Why Faithfulness and Unity Are Important for Your Next Gen Ministry

We see so many next gen leaders come and go. It’s been said and documented that the average student pastor lasts between 1.5 to 3 years. Come discuss with us how it’s healthier for next gen leaders to partner closely with the church as a whole rather than become an island for the purpose of their own faithfulness, longevity, and unity in ministry. Because if next gen leaders don’t have it, our students never will. We must model what we hope to see in the next generation.


Creating a Healthy Ministry & Family Balance

Let’s face it. Many times we are unhealthy in our work/life balance as next gen leaders. Come discuss and consider with other leaders how you can balance kids, ministry, and marriage (and your other jobs as well!) in today’s culture of busyness and look different than the rest of the world… even if you do “work on Sundays”. While it is true our jobs our not the typical 9-5, who’s really is any more? All of us must work on time management and prioritization, because God never desires for us not to pull away from ministry or family. He designed us for both.


How to Develop Young Leaders for Your Next Gen Ministry

There is a tremendous leadership deficit in our churches. And the only way to counter that is to keep getting creative in how we develop the next generation. Need more leaders? May be they are already there just waiting to be asked, but are just a little younger. Learn how to bridge the high school/college gap, start an internship program with young adults, and find some new energy for your next gen ministry. Collaborate on ideas that work best in using young leaders who will definitely need to be raised up, but who over time can be released to reach others.


The  New Hyfi Curriculum from Lifeway- “Here You Fit In”

Do you want new kids and kids who do not yet know Jesus or the Bible coming to your church? Lifeway is rethinking children’s ministry again, remembering that we now have many kids coming I today’s culture who did not grow up hearing God’s Word. Enter the new Hyfi curriculum. From those who brought you Gospel Project, Hyfi, which stands for Here You Fit In, is a great new curriculum tool designed to still teach kids the Bible while also making sure they feel connected and giving built-in times to encourage kids to invite more kids! Hyfi is extremely intentional at not assuming kids already know the story, and gives each volunteer even more opportunities to make sure kids build relationships with their leaders first which is a foundation for learning God’s Word. Learn more about this new curriculum which is available now to see if it would be a good fit for your kid’s ministry… your leaders… and your kids!



9:30 - 10:00 AM
Check In
10:00 - 11:00 AM
Main Session: Creating a Culture That Reaches Next Gen in Your Church
11:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Breakout #1
11:50 - 12:30 PM
Lunch: Chik-Fil-A
12:40 - 1:30 PM
Breakout #2
1:30 PM

Let's reach the next generation together.

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Next Gen Leaders Conference

Helping the next generation see hear experience love know Jesus now.